Have you ever gotten a compliment from someone out of the blue on a day you look or feel just like crap? I bet you have, and I bet you can remember the exact place, what that person looked like and just how it made you feel.
Compliments seem to be reserved only for special ocasions or close friends.
Well friends, I say WHY? Why should we only tell people we know or love that they look great or smell great or ARE great?? I know we have all seen someone in the store or on the street and thought, boy I love that outfit and instead of telling that stranger we love it we may get envious with the green monster.
So my challenge to you is to tell a stranger that they look great today, even if they dont look great give them a compliment of some sort like, you smell nice or have a great happy ora, ok the ora is a bad example but im sure you can think of something! And comment or email me (wwflatstanley@gmail.com) and tell me what happend, how they responded, how it made you feel. Or tell me about a time you were complimented and how it made you feel.
Thanks for reading friends and good luck!
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