I'm such a cynic
1. A person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons.
2. A person who questions whether something will happen or is worthwhile.
I dont believe in that bullshit love story or marriage and etc... But when it comes to love movies and romance I just cant get enough. I think it is all so endearing and romantic, but in my mind its all just fiction. I could spend all day watching the old VHS Disney movies with a nice huge bowl of double fudge brownie ice cream in my sail boat PJ bottoms, and be completely happy. But then think about romance in "real life" and realize it doesn't actually exists. When was the last time you actually got a hand written letter? Well if your realizing that people besides, the electric company and your Great Aunt Delilah can send mail then it's been too long! Remember in Aladdin when he rescued Jasmine from the market? And the big bad man got in the way and Aladdin made a few mistakes and lies but kept fighting to be with Jasmine and in the end it all worked out and they rode off into the sunset on a magic carpet?
What about Hercules? One of my favorite movies EVER and the Damsel is in, (can you guess it?) distress and the hero saves her. And all ends well with love, kisses and
How about another movie? Ohh what about Snow White? Trapped by the evil witch in an eternal sleep and the prince rescues her... surprise.. surprise..
I've lost the point to this rant... so